关于2007年曼夕山古树有机普洱生茶 380克 (茶饼)
曼夕山位于云南省西双版纳勐海县打洛镇中缅边境交界处,海拔1700米,其山高路险,终年云雾缭绕,是西双版纳最早的原住民布朗族人民的时代聚居地。曼夕山上生长着一大片由布朗族祖先种植的大叶种古茶树群,至今约500年历史。在2007年,曼夕山古树茶园荣获“国家有机茶”认证。 其天气属于北热带气候,具有“夏无酷暑、冬无严寒、干湿季分明、垂直变化明显”的特点。年平均气温21.9℃,最热是7月份,平均气温32.6 ℃,最冷为1月份,平均气温12℃;年降雨量1220毫米,年降雨日115天,大都集中在5至10月份,阳光充沛,年平均日照数达2750小时。
产地: 云南
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michaelcaruso91 –
Mild and sweet refreshing tea
Logan –
Great value for money considering the maturity of this organic tea and the history of its original plantation. A strong and refreshing brew.
Amelie H. –
A delicious tea that makes me feel like I’m up in the mountain air. I like the tea cake package too! Would recommend to anyone who likes organic tea.
Aaron M. –
While this tea cake is low in caffeine, the tea’s initial bitterness keeps you alert. Like with other Pu-erh tea, the bitterness becomes sweeter and more refreshing the more you sip it.