關於安吉白茶 2024
安吉白茶產自浙江省湖州市安吉縣。安吉白茶從名字上來看屬於白茶類,但是它其實是綠茶的一種,味道與黃山毛峰十分接近。那安吉白茶又為什麼叫做白茶呢?那其實是因為安吉白茶是一種變異茶種,它的白化是受溫度影響的。早春時的溫度往往很低,這時候安吉白茶萌發出來的茶芽都是白色或者淺綠色的,而一個月之後,因為溫度開始上升,它的茶芽又慢慢轉綠,變得跟普通的茶芽沒有什麼區別。因為這種“白化”現象,人們始稱安吉茶為安吉白茶。 安吉白茶外形細瘦而挺直,形如蘭惠。色澤翠綠間黃,香氣高揚。沖泡後,滋味鮮爽,嫩香撲鼻,口感醇厚潤滑,湯色清澈而明亮。我們的安吉白茶採摘於清明前,也成為明前茶,吃起來比雨前茶又嫩了一層,又嫩又鮮,令人口舌生津,回味無窮,就好似在品嚐初春最早萌發的鮮芽一般。它所含有大量的氨基酸是其他綠茶的3-4倍,而多酚類物質較少,因此滋味極為鮮爽無苦澀。
aws.nature –
Jack –
This is a great tea to unwind to. The sweet aftertaste is just delicious and addictive
Zac –
Really mellow and relaxing. I can sip a whole pot and just unwind.
Victoria –
It was a very soothing experience drinking this tea and I love the look of the leaves. I enjoy this tea best at the end of the day to help me unwind.
Keira M. –
This green tea is tender and without bitterness, it’s perfect for a pick me up after a stressful day.
Scarlett E. –
When I heard this was actually a green tea, I just had to try it! If you’re a white tea lover, I think you’ll definitely like this. It has a similar lightness and sweetness on the palate but has the added herbaceousness of the green tea varieties.