關於安溪鐵觀音 (正味)
我們的正味鐵觀音就是採完茶箐後,按照傳統鐵觀音的製作方法,通過搖青的方式讓茶葉走水,而不是放在那裡讓它攤晾走水,及時採摘,及時走水,然後就是下鍋殺青,整個過程最遲不超過第二天中午12點,這樣做出來的茶葉就是正炒茶/正味茶。 鐵觀音,福建安溪當地茶農發明於1725-1735年間。發源於安溪縣西坪鎮堯陽山麓(王說)。屬於烏龍茶類,是中國十大名茶之一,烏龍茶類的代表。鐵觀音含有較高的氨基酸、維生素、礦物質、茶多酚和生物鹼,有多種營養和藥效成分,具有養生保健的功能。而它獨特的醇厚香氣深受許多人的喜愛。
Caitlin –
A great traditional tea, it has a subtle flavour that lingers long after your cup is finished.
Samuel –
This reminds me of my holiday in China. The large leaves are beautiful when they unfold—a trip down memory lane.
Sean C. –
Great tea, would highly recommend to anyone who likes traditional and authentic herbal Asian teas
Lilly B. –
A lovely, traditional tea that lingers in the mouth. Really good for your health and definitely leaves you feeling better off after drinking regularly.
Lincoln T. –
This tea is attractive with delicate greens and browns and, though its flavour is mild, the aftertaste lingers long after consumption.
Evie O. –
This iron goddess tea was so great and totally did the spell. Tea for life; aroma was awesome and no bitter after taste. what a great the quality is,no staining in the cup, no/low tannin.