關於安溪鐵觀音 (濃香型)
我們的濃香型鐵觀音是基於傳統製作工藝的基礎上經二次烘焙而成,主要體現在“火功”上面,需要有十年以上的烘焙製作經驗,使用百年傳承獨特的烘焙方法,溫火慢烘,濕風快速冷卻,產品“醇、厚、甘、潤”。濃香型鐵觀音質量的好和壞,除了烘培要過關外,原材料的好壞直接影響了茶葉的質量,原則上說,質量越好的成品茶,烘培出來的質量就越好,反之,亦然。 鐵觀音,福建安溪當地茶農發明於1725-1735年間。發源於安溪縣西坪鎮堯陽山麓(王說)。屬於烏龍茶類,是中國十大名茶之一,烏龍茶類的代表。鐵觀音含有較高的氨基酸、維生素、礦物質、茶多酚和生物鹼,有多種營養和藥效成分,具有養生保健的功能。
Sarah –
I really enjoy the caramel and orchid aromas of this tea. It’s a great tea to help me settle at the end of a long day.
Kaitlyn P. –
Excellent tea with a distinct traditional herbal flavour. Love it so much!
Piper M. –
I had tried a couple different oolong tea brands and this is one of my absolute favorites. Very smooth, strong flavor, not even bitter at high heat. Will order again.
John M. –
Delicious blend of tea as always
My favorite and quick delivery. It really helps settle my stomach and let me calms down too