关于老枞凤凰单丛 (鸭屎香)
凤凰单丛是非常特殊的一种乌龙茶,产自广东省潮州市潮安区,以其浓郁的香气而闻名。 之所以将其命名为“凤凰”,是因为它产自自凤凰村的凤凰山。凤凰单丛富含氨基酸,维生素,茶多酚和生物碱。 茶多酚具有很强的抗辐射作用,在凤凰乌龙茶中的含量可以达到30%。 凤凰单丛茶成茶素有“形美、色翠、香郁、味甘”四绝。挺直肥硕油润的外形特色;优雅清高的自然花香气;浓郁、甘醇、爽口、回甘的滋味;橙黄清澈明亮的汤色;青蒂绿腹红镶边的叶底和极耐冲泡的底力,构成凤凰单丛茶特有的色、香、味特点。
我们的这款凤凰单丛的香气属于野生银花香系又称鸭屎香,香气浓烈高扬,带着一股牛乳的香甜气息,融化在茶汤之中,停留在唇齿之间,回味无穷,久久不散。 此茶年岁已过50,所以也称为老枞鸭屎香,比普通的鸭屎香又多了一层‘枞‘味,茶汤内敛,滋味醇厚。
Nathan Peters –
Good tea to start the morning
aws.nature –
michaelcaruso91 –
This is a very smooth tea, love the creaminess to this one, very unique and one of my fave oolong I’ve tasted yet
David –
Easily one of my favourite teas now. The flavours are so complex and can change depending on how you brew it.
Ebony –
This is so complex I feel like I should be describing a bottle of wine, lol. I think what I enjoy most is that it can be brewed in so many different ways to affect the flavour. It’s kind of like making a great coffee – when you get it just the way you like it, you feel like an artist!
alexanderlau25 –
It actually has a milky scent to it, and is quite smooth to the throat when brewed right. If you steep a too long, a bit of bitterness can slip in, but that’s probably something I need to work on.
Definitely one of my top teas now.